• Integer vitae nulla!

    Booker T. Washington

    I think I began learning long ago that those who are happiest are those who do the most for others

  • Suspendisse neque tellus

    Albert Einstein

    The significant problems we face cannot be solved at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them

  • Curabitur faucibus

    Napoleon Hill

    All achievements, all earned riches, have their beginning in an idea

Selasa, 25 Januari 2011

Top ten data center trends of 2011

X86 everywhere
The data center has always been a heterogeneous place, but not for long. Slowly but surely, the variety of microprocessors that used to characterize our compute centers is giving way to homogenous hordes of x86 processors — mostly from Intel, with a smattering of AMD thrown in for good measure. In and of itself, x86’s increased presence is nothing new — x86 boxes have long outsold Unix and mainframes on a units-shipped basis. But in 2010, x86 servers represented the majority of server revenue as a whole, estimated by IDC at 66.1% in Q310. Expect that trend to continue, not abate.

The waning days of Unix
The corrolary to x86’s increased data center dominance is the decline of Unix, which data center buyers demoted to a legacy platform in 2010. Oracle, with its purchase of Sun Microsystems in 2009, appears to be hastening Unix’s demise, driving data center managers away with product cancellations and predatory support pricing, although other reports show Oracle/Sun sales holding steady.

Don’t just virtualize, automate!
Of course, part of the reason for x86’s increased data center dominance is virtualization, which has arguably been the defining data center trend of the last decade. But there are signs that all the virtualization hustle and bustle is coming to a close, as IT departments come to the end of the list of workloads they are willing to virtualize. With the bulk of the raw migration work behind them, many IT organizations want to build on the foundational layer they have built, and will introduce automation, a.k.a. private cloud computing, on top of their virtual infrastructure. The hope is to minimize manual tasks such as ensuring compliance, taking inventory, running reports, provisioning new workloads and testing disaster recovery plans. But while it all sounds good on paper, early adopters say they’ve had trouble getting buy-in for automation and private cloud outside the confines of IT.

Storage, data networks converge
Take a look at the average enterprise server, and hanging out the back you’ll find cables going to a handful of Gigabit Ethernet network interface cards (NICs) and a couple of Fibre Channel host bus adapters (HBAs) going to a SAN. That’s all changing with the availability of 10 Gigabit Ethernet (GbE), as data center managers take advantage of the 10 GbE’s superior bandwidth plus new network protocols to transfer both data and storage traffic over a single, tidy link. But while converged networks are the topic du jour for network and storage vendors, plenty of hurdles remain. Most existing storage systems, for one, don’t natively attach to Ethernet, requiring the use of intermediary bridging equipment. Further, most IT organizations aren’t set up for network and storage personnel to work together. An intermediary step toward converged networks may be to take advantage of existing IP storage technologies, like tried-and-true NAS and iSCSI.

Storage is exploding, still
File this under “the more things change, the more they stay the same.” IT professionals continue to grapple with modern applications’ seemingly limitless ability to generate data — and regulators’ unwavering demand that it be stored ad infinitum. In fact, Gartner estimates that storage capacity in the data center will grow 800% this year. Making matters worse is virtualization, which requires that storage be networked to enable live migration. To get a handle on out-of-control storage growth, data center managers must explore technologies like archiving and deduplication, or risk drowning their data centers — and budgets — in a sea of storage.

DCIM tools on the horizon
One of the most pressing concerns for IT managers is extending the life of their current data centers by optimizing power and cooling efficiency. As systems become more complex and variable, XL spreadsheets or Visio diagrams may not be enough to track data center infrastructure components. The entrenched power and cooling equipment vendors launched data center infrastructure management (DCIM) tools that can help data center pros avoid hot spots, or over-provisioning equipment, and other facilities challenges. But third-party vendors have jumped into the fray as well, with sophisticated tools that render data center facilities in 3-D, and include auto-discovery functions that track moves, additons and changes to facility infrastructure, as well as some tools that can even make adjustments to server power draw to improve system efficiency. These are still early days for DCIM, and IT pros are kicking the tires and looking for more standardization, but some companies may not be able to wait and will need more visibility into their facilities infrastructure now.

Colocation data centers shift focus to cloud computing
Last year, colocation data center providers targeted large enterprise data centers. Many companies ran out of data center space and rather than building new facilities, they turned to lease retail-priced raised-floor facilities. In a tight capital market, laying out tens of millions of dollars for a new data center was a hard pill to swallow. This year, colos are chasing the dollars into the cloud. The jury is out on whether cloud computing will save IT managers money, or make cloud providers rich. But the colo companies are poised to cash in. Cloud, Infrastructure as a Service, Platform as a Service and Software as a Service providers need enterprise-class data center infrastructure; they need to be geographically close to their markets to minimize latency; they need access to diverse networks; and these companies need to scale quickly. The smart colos are setting up shop to charge cloud providers a premium.

IT operations deploy more core systems management functions as SaaS
IT cost analysis, help desk, IT service management, even data center infrastructure monitoring — there are very few systems management software tools that can’t be handled as a service. SalesForce.com and ServiceNow have done a great job providing IT departments the application functionality they need, without the upgrade and maintenance headaches, and even the Big Four are following down that path now, delivering their tools via Software as a Service (SaaS) model. Increasingly, companies are turning to SaaS models because the tools are easier to purchase and deploy, despite the potential for overall higher prices over time.

Data center containers, or pods, take off
Around five years ago, everybody had a good laugh over the Sun Microsystems Blackbox — a data center Winnebago of sorts. Companies could put them out on their front lawns on cement cinder blocks. Then Microsoft built out a whole data center trailer park and proved the concept could work in specific cases, like giant Web server farm build-outs. But the average data center pro isn’t buying servers in semi-trailer-sized increments, and the idea fizzled. Until now. The second generation of data center containers is smaller and better engineered than their predecessors. SGI’s Patrick Yantz was a part of the Microsoft team that built out the first major trailer installation, and learned from that experience. The SGI’s latest ICE Cube Expandable Modular Data Center is a great example of what’s possible going forward with prefabricated data center facilities.

Cisco UCS grabs mega market share, inspires more converged infrastructure products
Cisco fired the first shot, but now everybody is jumping to the fight for your data center dollars. Some IT managers are calling these converged systems the new mainframes. They comprise servers, storage, networking, operating systems, hypervisor, management tools and middleware all pre-integrated, and each layer of the stack is optimized with the vendor’s secret sauce. Examples include the Cisco UCS, Oracle’s Exadata and Exalogic machines, HP’s Bladesystem Matrix and VCE’s vBlock. These machines can put up impressive performance numbers, and make vendor management simpler, but analysts and IT managers remain wary of vendor lock-in. Cisco has the most to gain in this new market for converged hardware platforms, with installations in nearly every data center around the world.

By Alex Barrett and Matt Stansberry for Search Data Center  [searchdatacenter.techtarget.com]

Selasa, 11 Januari 2011

Sekali Lagi Tentang Blackberry

Blackberry (diterjemahkan dari Brombeere, nama buah semacam strawberry) adalah sejenis smartphone yang khusus dipakai untuk menulis, mengirim, dan membaca email. Blackberry dibuat oleh Research in Motion, sebuah perusahaan di Kanada, sebagai salah satu solusi untuk komunikasi dan administrasi data pribadi. Istilah kerennya:Personal Information Manager.

Infrastruktur Blackberry meliputi sebuah arsitektur client-server, satu protokol proprietas (buatan dan milik RIM) antaraclient dan server, dan suatu kumpulan dari smartphone buatan RIM. Sistem Operasinya juga menunjang Java (J2ME) dengan antarmuka khusus.

Hubungan di dalam jaringan melewati  GPRS/EDGE, UMTS, atau WLAN. Artinya: melalui jaringan internet yang sudah ada. Berlainan dengan PDA, pengguna Blackberry tidak perlu melakukan sinkronisasi data. Secara otomatis layanan akan dikirim oleh Blackberry Enterprise Server. Sistem Blackberry akan senantiasa diaktualisasi, selama ada hubungan aliasonline. Kiriman email akan meluncur secepat SMS, satu kali keliling dunia ditempuh dalam waktu seperdelapan detik! Data email akan dikerdilkan sehingga tidak ada yang besarnya melampaui 2 kByte’s. Data yang lebih besar dari itu akan diatur otomatis sehingga pengguna tidak akan menyadarinya. Misalnya data yang berekstensi pdf atau doc (office) dalam satuan Mbyte akan tetap terkirim dengan cepat kendati melalui GPRS.

Sistem Sandi Blackberry
Penyandian alias komponen pengaman Blackberry yang sulit ditembus itu adalah enkripsi AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) sebesar 256-bits. Transfer data antara pengguna dan server (di Inggris atau Kanada) selalu dienkripsi alias disandikan. Bahasa jelasnya: aman dan anti penyadapan!

Pembuatan kunci sandi berbasis random generator pada saat pertama aktifnya Blackberry. Kunci ini berlaku maksimal 30 hari, sampai ada pembaruan. Namun pengguna dapat membuat kunci sandi setiap saat lewat tombol paranoia. Pengguna dimungkinkan pula untuk membuat password yang sangat aman, yaitu sampai dengan 24 karakter. Password yang paling kompleks dan mustahil untuk di-crack itu seyogjanya disusun dengan kombinasi huruf case-sensitive (pembedaan huruf besar dan kecil), simbol, dan angka.

Pada mulanya dulu, awal tahun 2000-an, tujuan penggunaan Blackberry hanya untuk email. RIM mengembangkan sendiri semua standar program, hardware, dan sistem operasi Blackberry, sampai saat ini. Ciri khas lainnya adalah struktur sentral jaringan Blackberry. RIM mengembangkan lalu lintas email via Blackberry di seluruh dunia hanya lewat 2 sistem serversentral. Satu ada di Kanada yang melayani jaringan Blackberry untuk pengguna di Amerika Utara (Meksiko, AS, Kanada, sampai Alaska). Lokasi server sentral yang kedua ada di Inggris bagi lintas email negara-negara lainnya. Menurut RIM, server di Inggris itu tidak menyimpan data, melainkan meneruskannya ke server di Kanada. Sentral Blackberry yang sebenarnya.

Sebetulnya sistem email Blackberry yang tertutup rapat itulah salah satu alasan mengapa alat ini demikian populer. Terutama di kalangan pebisnis. Transaksi dagang dapat dilakukan bebas tanpa kemungkinan dibajak. Besar pajak bisa diakali tanpa khawatir dilihat oleh kantor pajak, misalnya. Atau kirim-mengirim berita-berita yang dianggap top secret oleh penggunanya. Fakta ini membuat Blackberry mengungguli para produsen smartphone pesaing seperti Nokia atau Apple. Pengguna Blackberry di dunia saat ini sudah tembus angka 40 juta!

Layanan BlackBerry cukup banyak dipermasalahkan oleh para otoritas meski kasusnya mungkin berbeda-beda. Negara-negara yang mendesak RIM itu antara lain, India, Arab Saudi, Uni Emirat Arab, Pakistan dan Cina. Berbagai alasan disampaikan kepada RIM, yang cukup krusial adalah karena alasan ancaman bagi keamanan negara. Demikian pula India dan Libanon. Komisi Pemerintah Uni Eropa juga melarang penggunaan Blackberry bagi 32.000 pegawainya, dengan alasan keamanan. Hal yang sama juga dilakukan oleh pemerintah Jerman. Mengapa begitu?

Research in Motion (RIM) adalah perusahaan yang mengembangkan dan membuat Blackberry dengan caranya sendiri. Kendati alat ini mengirim dan menerima email melalui internet, namun disandikan demikian rupa supaya hanya bisa dibaca oleh pengguna tujuan. Menurut RIM, sistem enkripsi atau penyandian itu begitu canggih, sehinggasupercomputer pun butuh waktu miliaran tahun untuk menjebol kode sandinya.

Dengan kalimat lain, berita yang berseliweran keluar masuk dari dan ke Blackberry nyaris tidak bisa diketahui isinya. Apalagi dikontrol. Inilah alasan kuat melarang penggunaan Blackberry! Selain itu juga ada kecurigaan para kritikus Blackberry, jangan-jangan badan intelijen negara Inggris dan Kanada (sebagai lokasi server) secara diam-diam membaca data dan berita pengguna dari seluruh dunia! Kendati hal ini dibantah keras oleh RIM.

Menangggapi tekanan berbagai negara itu, RIM telah menyatakan siap untuk memblokir 3.000 situs porno bagi pengguna Blackberry di Kuwait. Arab Saudi telah minta agar RIM memblokir program untuk Berita Pendek dan / atauBreaking News. Di India RIM merencanakan untuk meletakkan server antara, sehingga pemerintah India dapat mengontrol lalu lintas data Blackberry.

Rencana Larangan di berbagai negara
Pemerintah India meminta RIM untuk bisa mengakses data serta melacak email yang dikirim atau diterima pengguna blackberry di India. Mereka khawatir layanan tersebut disalahgunakan oleh para militan dan menciptakan ketidakstabilan politik. Selama ini, kelompok gerilyawan berbasis Pakistan memang kerap berbagai layanan komunikasi yang sulit dipantau pemerintah India. Mereka menggunakan BlackBerry, telepon selular, serta percakapan lewat Google Talk dan Skype. Hingga kini pemerintah India belum sepakat dengan RIM.

Lain halnya dengan India, Pakistan meminta RIM umenutup akses ke situs jejaring sosial Facebook lewat layanan BlackBerry. Dewan Telekomunikasi Pakistanmengeluarkan permintaan itu setelah Pengadilan Tinggi Lahore melarang Facebook gara-gara ada kompetisi menggambar Nabi Muhammad yang disebarkan lewat Facebook

Ancaman penutupan BlackBerry dilancarkan pula oleh otoritas di Uni Emirat Arab. UEAmenuntut izin khusus mengakses data yang sudah terenkripsi di sistem BlackBerry. Seperti halnya India, UEA cemas BlackBerry dimanfaatkan untuk mengganggu keamanan negara, bahkan jadi alat mata-mata Israel.

Sedangkan di Indonesia, beberapa alasan unofficial yang disampaikan oleh menkominfo (dalam twitternya) mengenai rencana pemblokiran Blackberry RIM (sebagian servicesnya), antara lain :
  1. Data Pakar IT: ada 3 juta pelanggan RIM/BB di Indonesia. 2 jt resmi dan 1 jt black market.
  2. Dengan rata-rata menagih $ 7 USD/org/bulan. RIM menangguk pemasukan bersih Rp 189 Milyar/bln atau RP 2,268 Trilyun/thn. Uang rakyat Indonesia utk RIM
  3. RIM Tanpa bayar pajak sepeserpun kepada RI, tanpa bangun infrastruktur jaringan apapun di RI. Seluruh jaringan adalah milik 6 operator di Indonesia.
  4. Semua operator yg lain sudah menjalankan dan mematuhi UU dan peraturan RI, spt: bayar BHP frekuensi, pajak, rekrut tenaga kerja, CSR, membantu korban2 Merapi, korban Mentawai, korban Wasior, bencana2 lainnya dan blokir pornografi.

Dari apa yang disampaikan diatas, pasti akan menimbulkan kontroversi lagi dikalangan penggunanya. Perlu sikap bijak didalam mengambil keputusan dan juga yang menerima akibat dari keputusan tersebut. Pemerintah Indonesia tentunya tidak akan sembarangan untuk hal ini. Apapun keputusan yang dikeluarkan oleh pemerintah, mari kita ambil sisi positifnya. Mudah-mudahan para pakar IT Indonesia terdorong untuk menciptakan layanan yang sama seperti layanan Blackberry RIM, itu jika pemblokiran jadi dilaksanakan. Jika tidak, lanjutkan!

(dari berbagai sumber)